Letter K

kmod-VirtualBox-OSE-3.3.2-6.fc16.i686 - VirtualBox-OSE kernel module(s) for 3.3.2-6.fc16.i686

Website: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/VirtualBox
License: GPLv2 or CDDL
Vendor: RPM Fusion
This package provides the VirtualBox-OSE kernel modules built for the Linux
kernel 3.3.2-6.fc16.i686 for the i686 family of processors.


kmod-VirtualBox-OSE-3.3.2-6.fc16.i686-4.1.12-1.fc16.7.i686 [164 KiB] Changelog by Nicolas Chauvet (2012-04-22):
- rebuild for updated kernel

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el5