Packages not in Groups

audacious-plugins-uade - Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator audacious plugin

A plugin for audacious that makes use of UADE to play various Amiga music
module formats using external players
License:GPLv2+ and Distributable Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: uade


Name Version Release Type Size Built
audacious-plugins-uade 2.09 3.fc8 x86_64 118 KiB Mon Sep 15 02:30:39 2008


* Mon Sep 15 00:00:00 2008 Xavier Lamien <lxtnow[at]> - 2.09-3
- Update files and rebuild for rpmfusion.
* Sun Mar 23 23:00:00 2008 Ian Chapman <packages[AT]> 2.09-2
- Rebuild against latest audacious to avoid undefined symbol: xmms_usleep
- Convert UAE-README to UTF8
- Convert ChangeLog to UTF8
* Sun Jan 6 23:00:00 2008 Ian Chapman <packages[AT]> 2.09-1
- Upgrade to 2.09

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